What we do in IT, cyberlaw and data privacy?

We assist our clients with:-

  • We assist our clients with inter alia
  • Compliances under the Indian IT laws and investigations pertaining thereto;

  • Identification and reporting of cybersecurity breaches and crimes, and prosecution of complaints thereof;

  • Preparing response plans to cybercrimes;

  • Devising cyberspace strategies and conducting coaching and awareness programmes pertaining to cyberlaw, cyber-security, AI, etc.;

  • Advisory pertaining to implementation of cybersecurity measures;

  • Drafting and vetting of terms and conditions, privacy policies, user agreements, etc.;

  • Legal advisory, investigations (including obtaining electronic records and logs), enforcement actions (including issuing legal notices and takedown of
    illegal online content) and conducting litigations; and

  • Dispute resolution with online service providers.


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